Under traditional manufacturing methods, the cold mixed parts are manufactured separately and then assembled, which poses a risk of water leakage.
Aluminum alloy powder+ED3028 dual laser metal 3D printer.
① Integrated printing of parts with conformal waterways, while meeting functional requirements, avoids the risk of subtractive manufacturing p>
② The combined application of multiple processes comprehensively improves the quality of parts p>
③ Multiple detection methods ensure product consistency and stability p>
The project schedule is tight, and traditional development methods have long development cycles and complex processes.
ESU-EM456 stainless steel powder+ED3028 dual laser metal 3D printer.
① On the basis of fully meeting the demand, the machining cycle of the parts has been reduced from the original 10 days to 3 days, and the manufacturing cost has been reduced by about 30% p>
② Supplement certain features that traditional machining cannot achieve, and significantly reduce the need for customized tools for machining, while also reducing reliance on the capabilities of machining technicians p>
③ Integrated printing greatly reduces the total number of parts and greatly reduces the demand for welding fixtures and the workload of welding processes p>